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Apple Butter
Reducing apples on low heat in the slow cooker make this decadent, slightly sweet spread that is delicious on breakfast pancakes or toast or over vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Course: Breakfast, Condiments
Cuisine: American
  • 6 lb apples (about 20 apples) any type (we used macs and granny smith)
  • 1/2 cup water (or apple cider or white wine)
  • 150 g dark brown sugar (about 1 cup or 5ΒΌ oz)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  1. Peel and core apples, chop roughly.
  2. Add to slow cooker vessel with cider, sugar, and cinnamon stick
  3. Set slow cooker to low and cook for 9-11 hours, stir halfway through.
  4. Remove cinnamon stick and stir, mashing until an even consistency
  5. If apple butter is still liquidy at the end of 9-11 hours, take off the lid and turn slowcooker to high for 1-2 hours. Alternatively, you can transfer the apple butter to a sauce pan and reduce on the stove top at medium heat until thick and spreadable.